Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hope for India

It's hard to believe I have been here almost 2 weeks! There have been so many new experiences, challenges and joy-filled moments. I have seen the beauty of Mumbai as well as its depravity. I have met so many people filled with passion for being the hands and feet of Jesus to this city. I have been among the hopeless and been among the hope-filled. Yet, this journey is just beginning. I love this city and these people.

It was recently tweeted ''INDIA'S TIME!'' by Ps Brian Houston during his visit here (more about that in a minute!). I couldn't agree more. Before long, the population of India will surpass the population of China! There truly is a God-given purpose for this nation! The need runs deep here-- not just physically but spiritually. There is a mindset among the impoverished, which I believe stems from its previously implemented caste system that permeates not only the minds but the hearts of so many in this city. From the heart flow the issues of life (Pr 4:23). No wonder this mindset has caused so many to not look beyond or hope in life other than what is current & familiar. Because of this so many remain uneducated, addicted, and poor. In spite of that, I am confident that God is lining up and orchestrating His people strategically in this land. God is here! And with time, I believe India will see a move of God's spirit unlike anything our finite minds can comprehend.

It truly is India's time and being here has been such an honor! Last week Pastor Brian Houston, lead pastor of Hillsong Churches world-wide made a visit to Mumbai unannounced to check out the work of Vision Rescue and keep it fresh on his heart. Nick Caine, husband of the lovely Christine Caine, accompanied him. Together, Nick & Chris pioneer an amazing ministry called The A21 Campaign, which fights the injustice of human trafficking across Europe. To find myself here at the same time as Ps Brian and Nicks visit was only something God could orchestrate. It was a complete honor meet them & to be present as they met with all of the Vision Rescue team-- from the cooks who wake up faithfully to begin their day at 3a.m. to the excellent administrative staff who handles the details of this ministry. I stood there with tears in my eyes as Ps Biju explained how it was a dream come true for Ps Brian to be there encouraging his team. I love how God knows the longings of each our hearts and isn’t afraid to blow us away by granting us those desires! A dream fulfilled is truly a tree of life (Pr 13:12)!

Ps Brian lifted up and poured out encouragement on the team in such a heart-felt manner. It was incredible! I was in a room full of champions whose lives are making an eternal impact on this city- whose role in life is more important than the richest man in the world because what they are doing is going to last into eternity! May we all live with our eternal imprint at the forefront of our minds!

That amazing experience was one of many. Life in the city of dreams has been filled with adventure. I have experienced so many firsts. Just for the fun of it, here is a non-exhaustive listing of My Mumbai Firsts:

  • Walked, crossed & survived the chaotic streets (yikes!)

  • Rode a motorcycle (& survived)

  • Ate Indian-style with my right hand

  • Got beautiful henna on my hands

  • Purchased & wore authentic Indian clothing (kurta & patiala)

  • Saw the worlds largest slum

  • Rode in a rickshaw

  • Saw the city dump featured in Slumdog Millionaire

There are so many more experiences but I will have to save them for story telling when I'm home! :) I love it here and I'm convinced God has something very special for this city and nation. I believe He is transforming this city one person at a time. With individual change comes collective change. With personal hope being renewed comes a renewal of hope for an entire nation and I, for one thing, have hope for India!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mumbai's Red Light

As I sit in my room on the peaceful grounds of St.Pius College just tucked away from the hustle and bustle of Mumbai streets, I am filled with amazement at our awesome God who has brought me here. I look at the remnants from home on my humble desk and I am nostalgic of all I have left behind to step into this God-dream and simultaneously thankful for all Home has done to make it possible for me to be here. God’s faithfulness and love have been shown to me through you and I cannot adequately express my gratitude.

My first weekend here was filled with wonder as my uncle and I experienced the vastness of the City of Dreams. We were kindly shown the city by a Vision Rescue staff member, Manoj. We saw the stunning Taj Mahal Hotel as well as the Gateway of Mumbai. Afterward we drove through the Red Light District. What a stark difference. It was as if we turned a corner and entered into a different world.

Young girls, some who appeared to be around the age of 14, lined the streets leaning against walls, cars and open doorways. Here it was, in bright daylight, the reality of human trafficking—a global epidemic. There were dark narrow alleyways which led to the rest of this world. I can’t imagine the darkness which dwelt between those concrete buildings and walls. What was foreign to me was familiar to them. It was their life. As we passed through I wondered the stories of these girls. They were so young. So beautiful. So full of potential.

As thoughts and emotions filled my heart I saw one particular girl standing in a doorway with dark stained lips and heavy eyeliner. I looked at her and couldn’t seem to look away- she immediately looked back at me. We locked eyes and as we slowly passed by one thing pounded in my heart… does she know how loved she is?

Oh, that I could tell her how loved she is! If she understood & intimately knew the love of God she would be forever changed, completely whole, and deeply new! We looked at one another until it was impossible to do so any longer. I will never see her again… but the God of the universe keeps His eye on her constantly. It is comforting to pray to Him and know He hears. It is comforting to know He is mobilizing warriors who go into the darkness to find that which is lost. Oh, that salvation would be hers!

Vision Rescue is being a light in the darkness of Mumbai’s Red Light District. They run a daycare center for children of these prostitutes who otherwise would be neglected. They share the love of Jesus with these precious lives and instill in them a hope for their future. I am so blessed to be here among such champions. They are individuals who spend their lives for others. We all have a part to play and the Vision Rescue team is playing theirs well!